past Exhibition
joEl denot 'the color of light'
Exhibition from March 5 to April 23, 2022

À l’opposé d’une photographie de constat représentant la réalité, les images de Joël Denot
se concentrent sur les éléments essentiels de la photographie : la couleur et la lumière. Entièrement réalisées à la prise de vue, elles relèvent d’un geste purement photographique, sans travail de laboratoire. Alternant de grands Cibachromes en tirage unique
et des Polaroïds, Joël Denot élabore ses prises de vue à partir d’intensités lumineuses différentes, d’une lumière maîtrisée et colorée à une lumière saturée qui dissout la couleur dans le blanc. Il résulte de ces différences de sensibilité lumineuse un jeu de recouvrement entre blanc et couleur où le sujet disparaît et apparaît.
"Ce que cet objet est censé nous présenter se dérobe sans cesse. La relation d’identification que nous sommes tentés d’établir avec lui en tant qu’entité matérielle, comme avec l’image
du corps qu’il expose, est déçue. L’objet n’est en fait qu’un lieu de passage pour le regard.
Il est remarquable qu’un photographe, parce qu’il a le souci, selon ses propres termes, de casser la fascination, déjoue ce piège, alors que ses contemporains sont si nombreux à vouloir faire d’une photographie une chose aussi lourde et fétichisée qu’un tableau" (Catherine Millet).
past Exhibition
the spring of the ancestors
Exhibition from January 13 to February 26, 2022

The Spring of the Ancestors is a metaphor for renewal.
This was the title of an exhibition by the Vayeda brothers in Ladakh in 2017.
This wonderful and timeless title will this time bring together Charley Case, Paban Das Baul and Mayur and Tushar Vayeda, all of whom are in dialogue, through their lives and works, with nature and the spirits.
past Exhibition
who is samantha mcewen
November 6, 2021 to January 7, 2022

Born in London in 1961, Sam studied in the States - philosophy at Sarah Lawrence College, and then painting, at the School of Visual Arts in New York. She shared a flat in the Bowery with the artist Keith Haring, was a good friend of Jean-Michel Basquiat and also met Robert Mapplethorpe and Andy Warhol (Tatler magazine 2003). In her entourage,
Francesco Clemente and Alex Katz, who both painted portraits of Samantha. Like many women of her generation, her work has been downplayed, and we are pleased to rediscover it today.
Although knowingness and pop-culture reverberate through her work, the obvious references are jettisoned – what is retained in her recently work is the pop-art tradition of breaking the world down to shiny surfaces; an approach that she has sophisticated and maturated.
Mass-produced materials we know from city landscapes, the glass and steel that constantly surround us, are abstracted, imitated, and converted into or onto canvases. The bold and insistent colours of the 21st century urban, commercial and digital aesthetics are tamed and stripped into semi-abstractions, peacefully layered and composed, barely hinting at the visual turmoil of the contemporary moment from which they came. All that remains, is peace, balance, glitter, gouache and tarpaulin. ("Bower Paintings" at Generation &Display, London 2019)
Maximiliano Modesti and Hervé Perdriolle are delighted to present a series of new works by Samantha McEwen specially made for her solo show at our gallery in Brussels.
past exhibition
contemporary, one word, several worlds
August 25 to October 30 2021

"Contemporary, One Word, Several Worlds" is the subtitle of Hervé Perdriolle's book "Indian Contemporary Art" published by 5 Continents Editions in 2012. A subtitle chosen to celebrate the exit from Western ethnocentrism and the growing presence of contemporary artists (in the literal sense of the term: who live and work today) from local cultures. It is these artists ("The Other Masters of India" - title of the exhibitions organised by Jyotindra Jain at the Craft Museum, Delhi 1998, and at the Musée du Quai branly, Paris 2010) who are gathered in this book.
This first exhibition will present the works of some of these artists such as Jivya Soma Mashe, Jangarh Singh Shyam and Acharya Vyakul (all three present at the Magiciens de la terre, Centre Pompidou 1989) alongside other fetish works of outsider and contemporary art.
past events

"Tantra Paintings" Van Buuren Museum & Gardens, curator Hervé Perdriolle, September 2020 March 2021

Residency of T. Venkanna (2020) at the Kalhath Institute founded by Maximiliano Modesti, Lucknow, India.