VIEWING ROOM April 10 to June 29, 2024
Samantha McEwen "Works from the 1980s to the present"
"The subject in my paintings is, in effect, the research of simplicity.
The working away of all excess material to the minimum of an image and there,
in the drawing, to find the subject complete. The image intact.
The balance from which comes life and motion, the silence unimpeded."
Samantha McEwen, New York, 1984, exerpt from 'Samantha McEwen London/Paris/New York Works and Life from the 1980s to the Present'.
Texts by Linda Yablonsky and Hervé Perdriolle, with a conversation between Samantha McEwen and Neal Brown.
Language: FR/EN, 256 Pages, Hardcover,
5 Continents Editions ISBN: 979-12-5460-059-7
VIEWING ROOM January 27 to March 23, 2024
Antonio Da Ros "Suspended Colors"
VIEWING ROOM November 9, 2023 to January 6, 2024
Charley Case "Excavation"
VIEWING ROOM June 15 to July 15, 2023
Mayur & Tushar Vayeda "The Eyes of Forest"
VIEWING ROOM June 15 to July 15, 2023
Catherine Viollet "Les hommes se peignent"