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philippe jaccard EN FR 1-2-3


View of part of the 158 oil paintings on canvas produced between 2003 and 2008 by Philippe Jaccard, paintings donated to the commune

of his place of residence in Dordogne (France).


Life brings us to change places, to move. Philippe Jaccard will move a few times. Philippe works very fast and therefore produces a lot. Paintings accumulate. When Philippe moves, he gives them away. "What to do with all these paintings. What interests me is doing, working, painting. That's what I like. I've never had room for storage. So I give!" He says, amused and adds: "It doesn't bother you, Hervé... It's just the way it is…" 2008, after living in Dordogne for a while, Philippe moved back to Geneva and donated hundred and fifty eight paintings to his local commune.

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View of part of the 444 oil paintings on canvas produced between 1997 and 2001 by Philippe Jaccard,

paintings donated to a Geneva gallery owner he barely knew.

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